Wednesday, October 19, 2005

That Post Show Depression Thing.

OK, so it's been five days since my show opened and I'm now deep into a fantastic depression. I don't even have the satisfaction of having it be alcohol-fueled! I was really trying to avoid this. Hell, I don't even understand it................well, I suppose I sort-of do. Work my ass off........................big build up..........................lots of attention (briefly)......................and then nothing. I guess it's a bit of a letdown combined with the frightening thought that I have to do it all over again, but it has to be even better.

I saw an article about this situation in an old ARTnews once, and most of my friends who are artists experience the same thing. For some reason that this happens to a large amount of artists gives me little comfort.

Holy shit this is some whiny crap!!!!!!

I just gotta get back to work. I have to do more big paintings.

On a different topic.......................Shit am I getting tired of all those magnetic ribbons on the backs of cars!!! The sheer number of them is bad enough but, for God's sake people they are symbols!! They do not need to be (nor should they be) turned on their side so people can read whatever is printed on them. And since when do symbols even need words?! On my way into the studio today I was driving behind some douchebag in a giant black pickup. His ribbons (obviously, tilted on their side) made the important statements "support lap dancing" and "support sex, dugs, and rock and roll". Don't get me wrong I support all of those things, but if your only avenue of self-expression is the back end of your vehicle, you've got problems.

I can't wait for these magnetic pieces of bullshit to go the way of the "Baby on board" sign and the cuction cup Garfield!


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