Friday, October 21, 2005

I don't know what it is but most of my thoughts recently surround my car or driving. Maybe it's because I'm not really getting any real work done, or more likely because of all the rampant douchebaggery that I witness while I'm on the road.......people driving over a mile with their turn signal on while others apparently never learned how to use them.............I just don't get it!

My show was reviewed in the paper (The Buffalo News) today. All in all a good review. I wasn't panned in the least, but it really wasn't a critical blowjob or anything, not that I was expecting one. i was called wity and ingenious, so I got that goin' for me. All of the work was mentioned except for one of my favorites, which I found kinda odd. I suppose I'm being a little too picky/greedy cuz there's no such thing as bad press. Now I gotta go get twenty copies or so to feed my self-important delusion. I hope something sells. .........................................because I'm a greedy materialistic bastard!!!!!!!.....................who needs to buy a shitload of canvas.

I have to teach a children's class the MORNING!! I'm barely functioning right now. I can't imagine what a hangover is going to be like with a bunch of kids added to it. I don't know how I got roped into this. It's too late to get out of it now. I give a ton of credit to anyone who deals with a group of children on a daily basis. I don't like them.


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