Monday, October 24, 2005

The kids class went reasonably well. I was spectacularly hung over. I only wanted to throw up twice............resisted the urge both times. Luckily one of the moms that was there was some sort of an education student, so she sort of took control of some of the aspects of the class. For some people her actions would have been a little aggressive, bordering on overbearing, but I didn't care. I had no turf that she was pissing on. She could have taught the whole damn thing while I napped in the corner. Everyone drew their drawings, painted their paintings, and ate their cake. No tears. No casualties. I still don't like kids.

I'm finally getting back in to the swing of painting again. Much of this has to do with the fact that I've promised a couple of charities that I would donate a painting to their auction (cuz I'm so F-ing generous). Why do organizations always feel that the best way to raise money is to have some sort of an art auction? Can't their development people come up with any better ideas. If I hear one more person tell me about the great exposure that donating my work will bring me, I'll have to shoot someone!!!!!

The painting itself is actually going well. I still can't afford the canvas stretchers that I need to do larger paintings, but I'm getting occasionally flooded with ideas and imagery that I want to explore or at least sketch out. That's the scariest part, coming up with the ideas. I swear, I've been doing this for a decade and it still freaks me out. After a show I feel like I'll never come up with another idea ever again. Eventually it all comes around.



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