Thursday, November 10, 2005

So what do I do now?

My show was taken down two days ago. I still haven't done a real painting yet.................granted I don't have anything to paint on. I just spent several hundred dollars on supplies. So now I'm just a'waitin' for inspiration to wash over me.

I got reviewed in Artvoice and got a less than positive response. I'm not sure what the reviewer recently got shoved up her ass but it must be terribly uncomfortable. The best part was the response from everyone else. A bad review is a bad big deal at all, but everyone thought that she was making more personal statements than anything about the work. The public at large has never been impressed with her writing abilities, but this review really sent people over the edge. At least three friends sent letters to the editor about the review.

I've never gotten this much of a response to a positive review. There is no such thing as bad press!!


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