Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Back in the swing!

Holy shit this is great!!! Last night I didn't leave the studio until almost 3 am. There's nothing like a looming deadline to fuel the need to paint. I've been working on a mural for a friend's house. He, somehow, is getting it redone by one of those house makeover shows. The cool thing is that I'm getting to do whatever I want. I'm treating it like a large study for my next "body" of work. It's about 9' x 6'.

It's fucking great. I'm exhausted (a 17 hour day will do that to you) and I can't wait to get back to work................................I plan on doing so after wrapping this shit up.

I actually did a little on camera work yesterday. I was such a fucking 'tard! I had to ad-lib some lines about the mural and the wall that it's going on. As soon as as the producer said action it was as if I was sticken by a series of gradually intensified strokes. I couldn't speak, became all shades of red, and became painfully aware of the large, fluffy white balls of saliva that were collecting in the corners of my mouth. Doing a bang-up job on my P.R.!!!! "Ladies and gentleman get a mural for your home painted by a SPASTIC DOUCHEBAG!!!" I'm getting filmed again tomorrow, in my studio no less. Hopefully that will go better.



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