Tuesday, December 20, 2005

No food stamps for me!

I found out yesterday that I got the mural job that I've been hoping for. It's such a fucking relief. I was skittering into abject poverty. OK maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but I was coming close. I mean, I was seriously rationing my booze money for the week, and Daddy needs his liquid inspiration!

The strangest thing about the mural is that they picked a design that I would not have expected. I gave them around ten concepts, and there were a few that I thought for sure that they would gravitate to...........things involving food, architecture, shit like that. Go fucking figure they go with an idea that I literally pulled straight out of my ass. It's a lot more conceptual (conceptual about what? Beats the fuck outta me!). I thought it was basically filler, something to show them that I did some work and that I could essentially paint anything. The best part is that of all the ideas that they gave them it is/will be the most fun to paint. Most of it is space, distant stars, and nebulas. The bottom left will have a 8-9 foot curve of the moon's surface. As the mural moves from left to right the space/nebulas will dissolve/solidify into a curved surface that will be covered in large drops of water. All in all pretty basic stuff, which is good because they want the thing hung by January 23rd. I'll be working my ass off for the next three weeks!

Needless to say I'm in a chipper fucking mood! Ok, that sounds painfull. Let it be known that I would never fuck a wood chipper.........................no matter how many drinks I had or how hot said wood chipper was or how much she comes on to me. A man's gotta have standards!

My other work is going to have to go on hold for a while which kinda sucks (I gotta put a black cloud around everything), although not for a day or two. I'm not doing dick until I get the deposit check. I think I'll have to spend around $500 on supplies, and it's not coming out of my account.


I got a message from another guy at CSX this morning. Why do people insist on calling me when I'm in the fucking bathroom? I don't take my phone in there out of courtesy. Maybe it's just me but I don't think someone/anyone wants to hear me trying to have a conversation while deucing out. Anyway this guy (the claims guy) will be out of the office until January 2nd.

................................my windshield saga continues.


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