Last night, after leaving the studio I went out for a drink. When I got to the bar I was a little horrified to see that the bar was packed with people in their late forties to early sixties. Their age didn't disturb me, it was the fact that, from what I could tell, most of them were single.........and looking. I suddenly had a flash-forward. Was this how I'm going to end up? Still single at 50 going out to see some lame-ass blues band, trying to get laid one last time before my semen turns to silt. It was a sobering thought.....................exactly the last thing you want to have in a bar.
The strange thing was to see the similarities between their little group dynamic and the one that usually occurs in the bar that I was at. Everybody was eyeing everyone else, in a cute nonjudgementally judgmental way. There were the annoyingly close couples who apparently would die if they broke physical contact for more than fifteen seconds, the quiet loners, the drunken whores, etc...............................if it wasn't so sad it would have been comical.
New Years eve is coming. Whoopty-fuckin'-doo! Even when I wasn't single I was never a huge fan of the evening. Like St. Patricks Day and night before Thanksgiving, it's amateur night! People, who have no business having more than two drinks, decide it's a good idea for them to have fifteen. There are few things that bother me more than a person who doesn't know their limitations. Aside from the parade of douchebags, the evening still doesn't hold that much cache' for me
Either way Happy New Year!!