Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tuesday.....................yeah, that's it, just Tuesday.

I'm going to the hemotologist tomorrow. I can just imagine that he'll tell me that there's nothing really wrong with me, and that I've been worrying about nothing for the past three weeks. Either that or that my liver packed it in a year or so ago, and I have only months to live.

I'd find both of them extraordinarily funny.

I think I might join a gym. Just typing those words makes me feel ill, however I'm gettin' kinda tired of being a pudgy artist. There is a gym....or as they call it "fitness center".....(my pride slowly disappearing as I type those words)....between my home and my studio. Convenience is key, I'm a lazy shit.

I joined a gym a few years ago with relatively lacklustre results. I didn't go that often (see lazy shit comment above). I could barely stomach the locker room.......I mean, c'mon I'm not homophobic in the least, but please. I can barely stand the sight of my own cock let alone a half-dozen different ones all at once. Seriously, why would I want to have a conversation with a naked man. And the smell, Christ! Why do all men's locker rooms smell like someone giving a corpse a perm?!?! For God's sake it's 2006, can't something be done?!

And another thing............why all the mirrors? We can't all be that narcissistic. I know, I know.......you need to see that you're working out in the correct form blah blah blah. Look at me. Do I look like I would know what the correct form is? I wouldn't know the correct form if it snuck up and bit me in the ass! Listen, I'm working out here because I don't like the way I look, why are you forcing me to stare at myself............when I'm sweating, no less!?!?!

I don't know why I'm ranting about this shit now. Maybe it's because of the documentary that I watched on Sunday night on TLC. It was about this couple of guys that ballooned up to and over the 600 lb. mark. Surprise, one guy died. Honestly, has anyone watched these medical oddity shows. They could market it as Look at these freaks. See your life isn't so bad you whiny shit. Sundays on TLC. Anyone who complains about their life, after watching these shows should be shot..............................not killed, just wounded. Oh yeah, that includes me.

The painting is going well. Starting a new one today, one of the 4' x 5' paintings.


Blogger schmims said...

I hate working out. So I play soccer instead. It's much more fun to chase after a ball than run around a track singing in my head, "I hate running, I hate running, I hate running..."

8:13 AM, February 22, 2006  
Blogger April said...

I am paying for a membership to a gym that I haven't stepped foot in in YEARS!! I don't cancel it because I like keeping that option open.

Yeah, I think that's a little fucked up.

11:02 AM, February 22, 2006  
Blogger Feed Watcher said...

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

But stepping into the gym is always a bitch, every time. I constantly have to force myself to go. And I failed this week, big time.

But I'm always glad that I did it once it's over. I even like being sore. Sick, I know.

8:48 AM, February 23, 2006  

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